Dear Friends of the Catholic Education Foundation,
Today, we ask you to join us in prayer for the repose of the soul of our dear friend, Bishop David O’Connell. Bishop Dave was a champion for all in our community. His faith in our Lord and his commitment to the Blessed Mother was simply beautiful to witness when in his presence. Born in County Cork, Ireland, in 1953, Bishop Dave was ordained a priest in 1979. For over 40 years, Bishop Dave dedicated himself to serving the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.
As a Trustee of the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF), Bishop Dave tirelessly advocated to make sure that a Catholic education was both accessible and affordable for all who wanted one. He knew that a Catholic education was an advantage for life, and we will be forever grateful for his guidance, support and passion for our mission.
Coming out of the pandemic, Bishop Dave was unflinching in his support for our New Enrollment Initiative which continues to bring new students into our Catholic schools with tuition awards from CEF. Anytime we asked Bishop Dave for his continued leadership, we always received a resounding “Yes!” From inviting our CEF Team to speak at Deanery meetings, ensuring that all schools and parishes in the San Gabriel Region were utilizing the tuition support available for students from CEF, to conducting workshops for our partners, highlighting the blessings of a Catholic education, Bishop Dave tirelessly supported our students and families. His love and affection for the poor, the downtrodden, the lonely, and the challenged was an example for us all.
Bishop Dave lived his faith each day with grace, dignity, and a sense of humor that was unmatched. Thank you, Bishop Dave, not only for all you have done for the mission of CEF and for our students and their families, but for all you have done to make our city, country and world a better place.
Bishop Dave was consecrated as an Auxiliary Bishop on July 21, 2015. The motto on his Coat of Arms reads: “Jesus, I trust in You.” That trust was simply unshakable. In thanksgiving for the life of a remarkable man who is now in the arms of our Lord, may he rest in peace.